Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sh- ship, and picnics

In school today, we did another reading activity to solidify knowing and reading the "sh" sound. We cut out a "ship book" to remember "sh as in ship" and wrote some words on it. 

We talk about how vowels "stick" the words together and on some worksheets we mark them with a red "smile" on top, and then underline our consonants and consonant blends with a black pencil.

Here is one thing I love about homeschooling during these younger years: 
Connor gets to kiss and love Lainey, and he showed her different countries on the globe. Noah played with play dough today but didn't want his picture taken.

Lunch picnic in the front yard, in a box! Followed by bike riding and a nature walk collecting leaves. I love that my kids get to do this together. (Now mommy wishes she could have a nap!)

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